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Morph: Becoming an In-Carnational Church

Using the idea from Eddie Gibbs' book on 'ChurchMorph', what is the definition of Morphe? How can a church live in culture with purpose and power. He uses the following terms:

TRANSITION - The intentional move of a church from its internal DNA into the external DNA of the culture it is in. How a church can do in-carnational ministry effectively is a key to becoming a contemporary church.

SPECIAL EFFECTS - The ways in which we use the unique traits of a church and its mission.

DECONSTRUCTION - This is the point of breakdown and breakthrough. Unlearning certain things and learning others. Deeper learning comes through the unpacking of ideas and truth so as to re-imagine them in a newer light and language.

Some great thoughts. Add to this and give me an example of how a church can Morph into its setting with greater effectiveness.
Jeff Grenell